Friday, 27 January 2012

New workshop on using gender-neutral language and more

For all Exeter University students who are looking to enhance their employability, complete the Exeter Award or gain extra training and skills, there is now an Employability event entitled: ‘Professionalism in the Workplace: Using Non-Discriminatory Language in the Work Place’.  I will be running this workshop for the first time on Friday 17th February 1pm-2pm in Amory A115.  You must book onto the event on the Employability website:

The event focuses on how the language we use alters our relationships with other people and attempts to question the language and phrases we use that we take for granted as being set and correct.  The workshop looks at the language of gender, race, disability and sexuality and ways we can improve language to make it more inclusive, promoting equal opportunity for all.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Sexuality and Gender in Europe (CISSGE)

The Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Sexuality and Gender in Europe (CISSGE) promotes research and teaching in Sexuality and Gender Studies across the College of Humanities.   It hosts research seminars and talks regularly which are open to all students and staff.  There is an opportunity to ask questions or make comments at the end of each session.  This is the programme for 2012’s seminars:

Wednesday 1st February, 4pm
Lecture Theatre 4.2, Queens Building
Prof. Lisa Downing (Founding Director of CISSGE, University of Exeter)

'"Infanticidal" Femininity: The Case of Myra Hindley'
This is a paper based on a chapter of my forthcoming book, The Subject of Murder: Gender, Exceptionality and the Making of the Modern Killer, (Chicago University Press, 2012), completed during my two-year Philip Leverhulme Prize-funded leave.

Wednesday 29th February, 5pm (NB this is an hour later than most CISSGE seminars)

Lecture Theatre 4.2, Queen's Building
Dr Sue Harris (Reader in French Cinema Studies, Queen Mary, University of London)
'Gérard Depardieu, monstre sacré: Ageing and the Male Body'

This visiting lecture is jointly hosted by the Department of Modern Languages and CISSGE.

Wednesday 14th March, 4pm Dr Vike Plock (Lecturer in English, University of Exeter)
'Virginia Woolf, Fashion, and Fascism'

Should you wish to be put on the mailing list so you hear about all CISSGE events, please contact the Director, Prof Lisa Downing at  Please also contact Prof Downing if you are interested in undertaking research as part of CISSGE, or see the website for more details: