Thank you so much to all of you for all the wonderful work you've done over the past year. Being the Gender Equality Representative serving Exeter Univsersity students has been an absolute honour and I am very proud to have been part of such a community of students. People, organisations and services both internally and extenerally of the university have worked tirelessly to reduce the gender inequalities which scourge our day to day lives. But if there's anything I have learnt working for Exeter Students' Guild over the past year, it's that a will does exist to see inequality eliminated. You are never alone in any battle against inequality be it sexism, racism, homophobia, classism or any other characteristic which means that people are treated undeservedly differently from anybody else. Whilst the mountain to overcome may seem insurmountable at times, once you've found all those other people out there who feel the same way you do and who have the same vision for a better world that you do and you realise you're not alone and you start working together, then suddenly things seem a lot easier and more realistic to achieve. We construct the world we live in. If us humans created these inequalities it means we can eliminate them too. And so on that note, I would ask you kindly to offer the new representative, Deanna Quirke, all the support you can give her. She's an amazing woman and will do as much as she can for you as she humanly can. But she can't do it alone. No one can. We have to continue to work together to be the change we want to see.
Kind Regards,
Alexa Sage
Alexa Sage
Gender Equality Representative for University of Exeter Students' Guild

Deanna Quirke
Gender Equality Representative for University of Exeter Students' Guild