To students and staff at Exeter University - please vote for Devon Rape Crisis Services to be a RAG (Raising and Giving) charity so we can help raise lots of money for an extremely worthwhile cause and a much (sadly) needed service. Devon RCS have also worked tirelessly with the Guild throughout the year and are currently coordinating a sexual violence awareness campaign for staff and students - probably time we give them something back! You can vote to nominate them by following this link on the Student Guild website:

Incidentally up until last year there was no rape crisis service in the whole of Devon. As a female victim of rape in Devon in early 2011 you would have had to go to Cornwall to receive this specialist support, if you were lucky enough to have afforded the travel and time and to have had the confidence to... Getting Devon's first rape crisis centre was a huge achievement and was the result of a lot of hard work from a group of extremely committed women and men. Let's help this service keep going for as long as it is needed. Hopefully one day we can eliminate the need but for now rape crisis services are a potential lifeline to the thousands of women and girls who are victims of rape and sexual abuse across the UK.
The closing date for voting is 14th June and you must be a member of the university to vote.
"If you haven't any charity in your heart you have the worst kind of heart trouble" to cure it
ReplyDeleteHelp people, let's unite for one good cause, be a volunteer"save lives"!