The fortnightly discussions are open to all members to join in. They take place at 7.30pm-9.00pm on Wednesday evening in Devonshire House (for specific venues see listings). This year, the structure is a bit different. A list of topics for term 1 have been decided. Each fortnight a member of the committe will present a topic for about 10 minutes at the start to the others and will have emailed round some information (e.g. a suggested academic reading, a report, a newspaper article) so members can learn and think about a topic in advance. Then there will be a chance to ask the presenter some questions followed by an open discussion. The list of topics and their venues for term 1 are as follows:
Term 1 Discussions (Wednesday fortnightly, 7.30pm-9.00pm, Devonshire House)
- Wednesday 19th October: Gendercide (China’s One-Child Policy and The Murder of Young Girls) Long Lounge
- Wednesday 2nd November: Sexualisation of UK Culture (Has Sexual Liberation Turned into Exploitation?) JCR
- Wednesday 16th November: What is Kyriachy? (The Intersection of Multiple Parallel Oppressions) JCR
- Wednesday 30th November: A Green Movement (The effect of Climate Change on Women) JCR
- Wednesday 14th December – LGBTQ+* and Feminism (How and Where do LGBTQ+ People Fit in?) JCR
Term 2 Discussions (Wednesday fortnightly, 7.30pm-9.00pm, Devonshire House)
The list of topics for term 2 has not yet been decided. The society have left it open to its members to suggest topics they would like to discuss and for people to put themselves forward to present.
Term 1 Socials (Wednesday evening, fortnightly)
The fortnightly socials start this Wednesday (12th October 2011) and are as follows:
- Wednesday 12th October 2011: Meet at the Ram @ 8.30pm then onto the Firehouse for 9.30pm for pizza and drinks.
- Wednesday 26th October 2011: Film screening of Orlando. Watch the trailer here: Details to be confirmed sooner to the time.
If you would like to propose a topic, join the Gender Equality Society or have any general questions about the events, please email the society's president, Lindsay Lyon, at:
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